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Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in the USA?

 Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in the USA?

Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in USA?Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in USA?

In all the countries that offer regulated or non-regulated surrogacy, the surrogacy cost in the US is the highest.  It cost a fortune to do surrogacy in the US and the reasons behind it can be well explained.  A typical surrogacy cost in the USA varies widely, however, it falls in the range of $110,000 to $150,000 or more for a full-service surrogacy arrangement. That’s a bit steep!  If you are doing your search about gestational surrogacy, then you might be wondering “why does surrogacy cost so much in the USA?”  I frequently get this question from would-be parents and this blog explains the usually high cost of surrogacy in the US and how we can curb it if any.

The cost of surrogacy in the USA can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of surrogacy, the location of the surrogacy, and the specific services provided.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 3,446 total ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) cycles using gestational carriers in the USA in 2018 only and this number is increasing year on year.

As per the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), compensated surrogacy is legal in most states, but some states prohibit it or have restrictions. On top of that surrogacy laws and regulations do change over time, so it’s important to consult with a qualified surrogacy attorney or fertility specialist before opting for local surrogacy or international surrogacy.

Now, coming to the question, why does surrogacy cost so much in the US?  

Surrogacy is a complex and long process and comes with its own uncertainty and unpredictability.  Each surrogacy journey is different and nothing can prepare the intended parents in advance. What is important is having patience and faith and hope for the best always.

A typical surrogacy process consists of medical procedures, and legal aspects like agreements, egg donor compensation, surrogate compensation, administrative costs, travel cost, antenatal care, delivery, and post-birth care for the surrogate and child.  So, we can see that it is a multi-disciplinary field with many parties involved and each of them plays an important role to realize the final goal of having a baby.

Well, it goes without saying that there is a high price to pay for living or doing any medical process in first world country.

Below are some of the factors that can contribute to the high cost of surrogacy. Some of the main reasons include:

#1.     Medical expenses of ART:

Gestational surrogacy typically involves fertility treatments like IVF (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) and other medical procedures to help the surrogate become pregnant and to ensure a healthy pregnancy. These expenses can be significant. It is quite evident that medical cost is the highest in the US and on top of that infertility treatments are expensive and mostly not covered under health insurance.

#2.     Legal fees:

A typical surrogacy process involves legal agreements between the commission parents and the surrogate, as well as any necessary court orders. The cost of drafting and reviewing these agreements, as well as any legal fees associated with obtaining court orders, can add significantly to the overall cost of surrogacy. Legal fees can vary depending on the specific needs of each party and the complexity of the surrogacy agreement.

#3.     Compensation for the surrogate:

Surrogates are typically compensated for their time and efforts, as well as for any lost wages or other expenses related to the pregnancy and birth. The surrogate compensation may vary, but it is typically a significant part of the overall cost of surrogacy.  Generally, in the US, a surrogate compensation cost is around one-third of the total cost of surrogacy. The surrogate mother typically receives compensation for her time, effort, and sacrifice. This compensation can include base pay, medical expenses, and additional fees for things like lost wages, travel expenses, and more.

#4.     Egg donor compensation:

Not all, but most of the surrogacy journeys consist of using an egg donor to do IVF and creating embryos.  Single males, gay couples, and women of higher age need to have egg donors by all means.

#5.     Surrogacy agency fees:

I have seen that most of the would-be parents prefer to work with a surrogacy agency within the USA, which can help them find a suitable surrogate mother, provide legal and medical assistance, and handle the administrative side of the surrogacy process.  As expected, surrogacy agencies charge fees for their services, which can add to the overall cost of surrogacy. Although using a surrogacy agency service helps intended parents and gives peace of mind and direction, but it comes with a huge cost.

Due to the complex and long surrogacy process, it is urged that intended parents carefully consider all of the costs associated with surrogacy and thoroughly research and understand the process before entering into a surrogacy arrangement. It may also be helpful to consult with an attorney or other legal professional who is knowledgeable about assisted reproductive technology and family law to help ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the surrogacy process.

There are many subject matter experts or surrogacy consultants who provide information about available surrogacy options and can help you to choose the best country or surrogacy plan as per your specific case.  A surrogacy coach can save a lot of time and money they make you aware of the pitfalls and help you navigate relatively safe and trusted surrogacy options.

Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in USA?Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in USA?

How can I reduce the cost of surrogacy?

But again, the big question is how you can reduce the surrogacy cost.  Usually, I get lots of questions about surrogacy in the US, however, 90% of the intended parent’s surrogacy cost in the US is ridiculously high, and look for other options. Les discusses some factors which might help to save money.

Read more:

How much does surrogacy cost?

How much does surrogacy cost in Georiga?

How much does surrogacy cost in Mexico?

How much does surrogacy cost in Colombia? 

There are a few strategies you can consider to potentially reduce the cost of surrogacy:

 #1.     Consider independent surrogacy:

Independent surrogacy refers to a surrogacy arrangement in which the intended parents and the surrogate work directly with each other, rather than going through an agency. This can be less expensive than working with an agency, as you will not be paying for the services of the agency. However, it’s important to note that independent surrogacy can also come with additional challenges and risks, such as the need to navigate complex legal issues on your own.

#2.     Negotiate compensation:

If you are working with an agency or directly with a surrogate, you may be able to negotiate the terms of the surrogacy arrangement, including the compensation for the surrogate. Having open and honest communication with the surrogate about what you are comfortable paying and coming to an agreement that works for both parties.

#3.     Shop around for medical care:

Medical expenses can be a significant part of the cost of surrogacy. It may be helpful to shop around for medical care and to compare prices at different clinics or hospitals to find the best value.

#4.     Look out for international surrogacy countries:

It’s important to know and consider the international surrogacy countries which offer legally safe and affordable surrogacy options.  However, it is recommended to do thorough research and understand the process before entering into a surrogacy arrangement.

It may also be helpful to consult with a reproductive attorney or other legal professionals who is knowledgeable about assisted reproductive technology and family law in your country to help ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the surrogacy process abroad.  You might consider having a discovery call/ consult with one of the surrogacy consultants who can guide you about your options and assist you with legal, medical, admin, and logistic support if needed.

Countries Where Surrogacy Is LegalCountries Where Surrogacy Is LegalIs surrogacy overseas really safe and reliable?

Opting for international surrogacy comes with its own challenges. Weight your options and think twice before choosing the best and most affordable surrogacy program.

Surrogacy arrangements that take place overseas can be complex and may come with additional risks and challenges compared to surrogacy arrangements that take place within the United States. It’s important to thoroughly research and understand the laws, regulations, and cultural practices related to surrogacy in the country where the arrangement will take place.

One potential risk of surrogacy overseas is that the laws and regulations related to surrogacy may be different from those in the United States, and may not provide the same level of legal protection for all parties involved. For example, in some countries, surrogacy arrangements may not be recognized by law, which can create difficulties in establishing legal parentage and obtaining necessary documents, such as birth certificates and passports, for the child.

Another potential risk of surrogacy overseas is that the medical care and facilities may not be of the same quality as those in the United States. It’s important to carefully research the medical facilities and providers that will be involved in the surrogacy arrangement and to ensure that they meet your standards for safety and quality.

It’s also important to be aware of any cultural differences or potential misunderstandings that may arise in a surrogacy arrangement that takes place overseas.

It may be helpful to work with an experienced attorney or other legal professionals who is knowledgeable about assisted reproductive technology and family law and who can help navigate any potential legal or cultural challenges that may arise.

Overall, it’s important to carefully consider all of the risks and challenges associated with surrogacy overseas and to thoroughly research and understand the process before entering into a surrogacy arrangement.

More resources for international surrogacy: 

What are the cheapest countries for surrogacy in 2023?

Countries where surrogacy is legal

Cheapest countries for gay surrogacy

Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in the USA? From my point of view, international surrogacy is a good option who cannot afford exorbitantly high surrogacy costs in the US.  Each year, thousands of intended parents are doing surrogacy abroad and there are reasons for that. You can also contemplate this option and take the help of an experienced surrogacy consultant to help you to choose and plan, the most important journey of your life, to become a parent.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

We can help you find fixed-price programs with unlimited clinic & admin services until you are home with your baby. We are proud to offer the most affordable, secure, and reliable surrogacy programs with a team having more than 12 years of experience in global surrogacy services.

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