Surrogate Mother Requirements: What You Need to Know
Surrogacy is an incredible journey that brings joy to intended parents who may otherwise be unable to have children. For those considering becoming a surrogate, understanding the requirements is crucial. Surrogacy involves a unique partnership between intended parents, surrogates, and often, surrogacy agencies. The process is complex and requires physical, emotional, and legal preparedness.
In this blog post, we will explore the essential surrogate mother requirements, highlighting the qualifications that surrogacy agencies and fertility clinics look for, and why these requirements are so important for a successful surrogacy journey.
Gestational surrogacy is a huge decision, both for the Intended Parents and the surrogate mother. By entering this sort of arrangement, both parties become an essential and integral part of each other for creating a miracle, a new life. Nevertheless, for surrogate mothers, it is going to be a more physically exhaustive but emotionally satisfying journey for both.
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Top 12 surrogate mother requirements
Below are a few factors to consider while selecting a surrogate mother.
#1. She should have at least one baby of her own, through natural pregnancy.
It is desirable to have at least a baby of her own. This she ensuring for commissioning parents if they have experienced the pregnancy and baby delivery. It will also prepare her to be physically and emotionally reassured for the forthcoming surrogacy journey. It is by far one of the most important surrogate mother requirements.
#2. Eventless past pregnancy with documentation.
It is good if she has a good reproductive history and an eventless pregnancy in the past. Although each pregnancy is different having an uncomplicated pregnancy is an optimistic approach for all. Surrogacy pregnancy is more predictable if a surrogate has already had a baby in the past.
Read more: Surrogate mother health requirements
#3. Good general health and emotional outlook toward life.
Becoming a surrogate is one of the noblest, loving, and kind acts of selflessness. A gestational surrogate is indeed compensated for her time, effort, and discomfort, but still, it takes a lot of generosity to create a new life.
Optimistic well-being, a healthy lifestyle, and peaceful surroundings are essential to cope with the difficult pregnancy time.
#4. The surrogate mother’s age requirements are between 21 to 36 years.
In different countries and different clinics, the standard range varies. However, in general, the surrogate mother should be in the best childbearing age.
A gestational carrier should be emotionally mature and stable at the same time physically active enough to carry a baby to full term. There are instances where ladies above 40 have given birth to a healthy child, but with age, the chances of complications increase.
#5. No drugs or alcohol.
It is desirable for Intended Parents to have someone who does not use any drugs. No excessive alcohol consumption is accepted. Again, a stable and healthy lifestyle makes a lot of difference when choosing a surrogate.

#6. Good BMI between 18-32
A surrogate mother is expected to have an ideal body weight Index of 18-32. A woman who is overweight can develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, which can be risky for her and her baby too. So, to avoid complications during the pregnancy, the fertility clinic chooses gestational surrogates carefully.
#7. She has to be a Non-Smoker.
Smoking during pregnancy can be lethal for both the surrogate and the baby. Smoking increases the chances of stillbirth and premature delivery. It can cause more severe damage to baby development by reducing the oxygen supply via an umbilical cord.
#8. Have a stable support system at home and work.
Being pregnant takes a lot of toll on the woman. Most women struggle to manage household work during pregnancy. That is why a surrogate mother should have physical support at home during pregnancy. Her husband or living partner can be a great support system for her.
#9. Emotionally stable and must agree to psychological testing.
Emotional stability is one of the most important gestational surrogacy requirements. Most doctors do a psychological review to ensure the surrogate is emotionally capable of fulfilling the commitments.
She needs to be proactive with her doctor appointments, and medical check-ups, making sure to adhere to the medical guidelines. A healthy relationship needs to be maintained between all parties.
A surrogate is required to be mentally sound to understand that she is carrying someone else baby. She needs to take full responsibility for her acts during the pregnancy and make sure baby’s wellbeing.
#10. No history of criminal activity.
A surrogate mother should have a clear criminal history.
#11. The surrogate and partner must agree to do pre-screening.
The surrogate and her partner should be free of any infectious disease. That is why pre-screening of both is needed before starting the surrogacy process.
#12. Not currently on government financial support.
During pregnancy, it can be stressful and demanding if she worries about her financial status. Stable financial support is desired in any surrogacy process. Surrogate compensation should be to help her not to support her.
More topics on surrogacy
Why These Requirements Are Necessary
Surrogacy is a multi-layered process involving the health, well-being, and emotional commitment of the surrogate. Each requirement ensures that both the surrogate and intended parents experience the most positive outcome.
- Physical Health: Ensuring that surrogates are in peak physical health reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy. This guarantees the safety of both the surrogate and the baby.
- Mental and Emotional Health: Surrogates who are emotionally stable are better prepared to manage the psychological aspects of surrogacy, including bonding with the child and then transitioning to the role of non-parent after birth.
- Legal Protection: A legally binding contract clarifies the expectations, responsibilities, and parentage, protecting the surrogate and the intended parents from any legal disputes.
Becoming a Surrogate: The Application and Screening Process
Becoming a surrogate is not as simple as expressing interest and starting the journey. Surrogacy agencies and fertility clinics have a thorough screening process to ensure the surrogate meets all of the necessary requirements.
- Initial Application
- Candidates fill out an initial application with personal information, health history, and pregnancy history.
- Medical Screening
- Candidates undergo a series of medical tests to ensure their reproductive health and overall physical well-being. These include blood work, pelvic exams, ultrasounds, and screenings for infectious diseases.
- Psychological Evaluation
- Surrogates meet with a psychologist or counselor to discuss the emotional challenges of surrogacy and to assess their readiness.
- The counselor may also speak with the surrogate’s partner or family members to ensure everyone is supportive of the surrogacy process.
- Legal Consultations
- After the screenings, the surrogate will meet with an attorney to review the legal aspects of the surrogacy arrangement and sign the surrogacy contract.

Surrogacy Agencies: Why They Matter
Many surrogates work through an agency, which plays an integral role in the entire process. Agencies provide the necessary structure and support, from medical screenings to legal arrangements, and serve as the liaison between the surrogate and intended parents.
- Screening: Agencies handle the extensive screening process to ensure that surrogates meet all medical, emotional, and legal requirements.
- Matching: The agency matches surrogates with intended parents based on compatibility, ensuring both parties are comfortable with the partnership.
- Support: Throughout the pregnancy, surrogates receive ongoing support from their agency, which helps them manage the medical, legal, and emotional aspects of surrogacy.
A gestational carrier is an integral and most important part of any surrogacy journey. Choosing a surrogate can make or break your parenthood dream. So, choose wisely and ask for help. For LGBT-intended parents, find a lady who supports and understands their desire for parenthood.
Key Requirements to Become a Surrogate Mother
- Age Requirements
- A surrogate must generally be between 21 to 40 years old.
- Some clinics or agencies may have stricter age limits (e.g., 21–35), as younger surrogates tend to have healthier pregnancies.
- Previous Pregnancy
- The surrogate must have had at least one successful pregnancy and delivery.
- This ensures that the surrogate understands the physical and emotional aspects of pregnancy and childbirth.
- A history of complications, such as pre-eclampsia or pre-term labor, may disqualify a candidate.
- Good Physical Health
- Surrogates must be in excellent physical health, with no major medical conditions.
- A healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) is essential, usually falling between 19 and 32. Being overweight or underweight can affect pregnancy success.
- Surrogates must pass physical exams, including blood tests, infectious disease screenings, and overall reproductive health checks.
- Non-Smoker and Drug-Free
- Smoking, drug use, and alcohol consumption are strictly prohibited.
- A surrogate must be willing to lead a healthy lifestyle free of harmful substances throughout the surrogacy journey.
- Most agencies conduct regular screenings to ensure that the surrogate adheres to these lifestyle requirements.
- Emotional Stability
- Surrogacy is a deeply emotional journey, and surrogates must demonstrate emotional resilience and stability.
- Candidates typically undergo psychological evaluations to assess their readiness for the challenges ahead.
- Surrogates must also have a strong support system of friends and family to help them throughout the pregnancy.
- Legal Readiness
- Surrogates must be willing to enter into a legally binding contract with the intended parents.
- The contract addresses medical care, compensation, the surrogate’s role, and parentage rights.
- In some cases, a surrogate may be required to have her own lawyer to ensure that her rights are fully protected.
- No Criminal Background
- A criminal background check is mandatory for surrogates to ensure the safety and security of the intended parents and the child.
- Surrogates must be able to provide references and a clean legal record.
- Financial Stability
- Surrogates should not be dependent on surrogacy compensation as their primary source of income.
- Financial stability shows that the surrogate is choosing this role out of a desire to help a family, not for financial necessity.
- Commitment and Willingness to Follow Guidelines
- Surrogates must be committed to the surrogacy process and be willing to follow medical instructions from doctors and fertility specialists.
- This includes attending regular doctor’s visits, adhering to a healthy pregnancy routine, and following any restrictions related to diet, medications, or physical activity.
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