+91-8800481100 neelam@ivfconceptions.com

Surrogacy In USA is Made Easy and Affordable

by Neelam Chhagani

Affordable surrogacy cost in USA| Surrogate Mother in USA|Surrogacy in the USA can be within reach now!

The United States is considered one of the most secure and well-regulated countries for surrogacy. With clear legal frameworks, high medical standards, and the availability of experienced surrogacy agencies, intended parents worldwide seek surrogacy options here. Let’s discuss in detail about “surrogacy in USA” and if this is the right family building option for you.

Key Benefits of Surrogacy in the USA:

✅ Legal parentage rights are well-established in surrogacy-friendly states.
✅ High-quality IVF clinics with advanced medical technology.
✅ Experienced surrogates and reputable surrogacy agencies.
✅ LGBTQ+ and single parents can pursue surrogacy in many U.S. states.

Surrogacy Laws in the USA: A State-by-State Overview

Unlike many countries with a nationwide policy, surrogacy laws in the U.S. vary by state. Some states have surrogacy-friendly laws, while others restrict or prohibit the practice.

Surrogacy-Friendly States:

State Legal for International Parents? Pre-Birth Order Allowed?
California ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Florida ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Illinois ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Texas ✅ Yes ✅ Yes

States with Restrictions:

State Restrictions
Michigan ❌ Surrogacy contracts unenforceable
Louisiana ❌ Only altruistic surrogacy for married couples
Nebraska ❌ Surrogacy contracts prohibited

Before starting your surrogacy journey, consult an attorney specializing in reproductive law.


Key Insight for Surrogacy in the USA:

  • Surrogacy laws are governed at a state level, and surrogacy is permitted in almost all states. 
  • Some states have statutory laws that govern surrogacy; in these states, the intended parents’ names appear on the original birth certificate. 
  • Some states have case law that governs surrogacy, and the intended parent’s name will appear on the original birth certificate. 
  • In a few states, stepparent adoption is needed but takes place before an international parent returns home.  
  • Some states require a biological connection to the child, but most do not. 
  • Heterosexual, homosexual couples, single men, and women can participate in surrogacy. 
  • Surrogacy has been a thriving business in America since 1980. 
  • The USA is considered the safest country in the world to participate in surrogacy. But avoid Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, and Nebraska, as in these states. There is no guarantee of establishing parental rights outside of the adoption process. 
  • The child is granted US citizenship. 



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Email: neelam@ivfconceptions.com

Web: www.ivfconceptions.com

What we will cover in this article:

1. Surrogacy in USA- An overview.

2. Why surrogacy in the USA?

3. Is surrogacy in the United States Legal?

4. Which U.S. States are Surrogacy-Friendly?

5. Conclusion

Surrogacy in USA

Surrogacy in the USA- An overview

Surrogacy in the USA began more than 30 years ago and has since attracted several people – straight, gay, married, or single from across the globe.

Surrogacy is frowned upon by many countries like Germany, France, the UK, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, and much more. The prospective parents from these European countries rush to the USA to expand their families.

European countries have strict prohibition policies on surrogacy. That is why countless couples from Europe and China turn to surrogacy in the USA. Laws about surrogacy in the USA are guarded for both surrogate mothers and intended parents.

Between 1999 and 2013, about 2% (30,927) of all assisted reproductive technology cycles used a gestational carrier.
The number of gestational carrier cycles increased from 727 (1.0%) in 1999 to 3,432 (2.5%) in 2013.

Additional guides for surrogacy in the USA:

Surrogacy In the USA is Made Easy and Affordable.

How Much do Surrogacy Agencies Charge in the USA?

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in the USA ( 2023)?

Advantages of Surrogacy In the USA

Why USA Couples Should Do Surrogacy In Georgia, Europe?

Surrogacy Financing Options For Intended Parents

Why Surrogacy Costs So Much And How To Manage It?

Surrogacy cost in USA

Surrogacy Laws in the USA by States- Comprehensive Table

USA State Surrogacy Legality Additional Notes
California Fully permitted, enforceable agreements ·      Very favorable.
·      Multiple court cases have upheld both surrogacy agreements
·      Pre-birth orders are easily obtainable
Connecticut Fully permitted, enforceable agreements ·      Friendly to gestational surrogacy.
·      Pre-birth orders given to intended parents regardless of relationship or genetic connection.
District of Columbia Fully permitted after 48 hours post-birth ·      Court parentage orders issued after 48 hours post-birth
·      Commercial surrogacy agreements upheld by statute.
·      Law defines parentage based on ART procedures.
Delaware Fully permitted, valid, and enforceable ·      Explicit laws support surrogacy agreements and pre-birth orders.
Maine Fully permitted, enforceable agreements ·      Pre-birth orders supported by statute with some restrictions.
Maryland Fully permitted, surrogacy-friendly ·      Intended parents to obtain pre-birth and post-birth orders
Nevada Fully permitted for compensation ·      Very favorable.
·      Explicit laws support surrogacy agreements and pre-birth orders.
New Hampshire Fully permitted for compensation ·      Surrogacy-friendly state
·      Surrogacy agreements upheld
·      Pre-birth orders supported with specific guidelines.
New Jersey Legal recognition for gestational surrogacy ·      Legal and enforceable agreements since May 2018
·      Very friendly Surrogacy State
·      Intended Parents can easily obtain pre-birth orders
New York Paid surrogacy agreements legalized Surrogacy agreements are legal and pre-birth orders can be issued as of 15th Feb, 2021 if the intended parents are residents of the state.
Oregon Fully permitted, enforceable contracts Pre-birth orders recognized in other states
Pennsylvania Valid and enforceable agreements Surrogacy-friendly state
Rhode Island Fully permitted for compensation Surrogacy-friendly state
Alabama Allowed with guidelines Post-birth adoption may be easier
Washington Surrogacy-friendly state ·      Very friendly to gestational surrogacy.
·      Pre-birth orders allowed without genetic connection
Wyoming Unclear, laws inconsistent by county Proceed with caution
Arizona Contracts are unenforceable, but practiced Pre-birth orders granted, proceed with caution
Indiana Contracts are unenforceable, but practiced ·       Surrogacy contracts are prohibited
·      Unfriendly U.S. states for surrogacy.
Nebraska Legal but contracts void and unenforceable Uncompensated surrogacy only, proceed with caution
Virginia Allowed with major stipulations Pre-birth orders with strict criteria, proceed cautiously
Louisiana Allowed but with restrictions No commercial surrogacy, proceed with caution
Michigan Paid surrogacy is prohibited; contracts subject to penalties Proceed with extreme caution
Alabama Not very friendly Supports pre-birth orders only for married couples.
Alaska Not very friendly Courts have been generally supportive. No explicit support for pre-birth orders.
Arkansas Not very friendly Surrogacy agreements are valid for both heterosexual and same-sex married couples.
Colorado No laws No laws, but courts have been generally supportive.
Florida Legal Gestational surrogacy agreements are permitted only between legally married couples and only after the baby is born.
Georgia No laws No laws, but courts have been generally supportive.
Hawaii No laws No supportive laws and pre-birth orders are not issued.
Illinois Legal One of the most Surrogacy-Friendly states.
Kansas No laws ·      No laws, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Kentucky No laws ·      No laws, but courts have been generally supportive.
·      Pre-birth orders may be granted to married couples.
Tennessee Legal ·      Local law defines surrogacy agreements, as supportive when both intended parents are genetically related to the baby.
·      If an egg donor is used, the surrogate must waive her parental rights.
Vermont No laws ·      No law governing surrogacy.
·      Courts do not support pre-birth orders, but post-birth orders may be issued.
Virginia Legal ·      Gestational surrogacy agreements permitted subject to a wide array of complicated restrictions.
·      Post-birth orders issued.

Additional guides for surrogacy in America and

Why Does Surrogacy Cost So Much in the USA?

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in the USA ( 2023)?

Advantages of Surrogacy In the USA

How Much Do Surrogacy Agencies Charge in the USA?

Why USA Couples Should Do Surrogacy In Georgia, Europe?

Why surrogacy in the USA?

Typically, surrogacy cost in the USA is higher and recommended to parents who have enough financial resources. It goes without saying that the success rate of the best surrogacy agencies in the USA.

#1. A Well-Developed and implemented Legal Procedure for surrogacy in the USA

As mentioned before, the Surrogacy process in the USA is governed by state laws, not federal ones. This implies that each state has created its surrogacy process for couples, varying from no legislation at all to more restrictive laws.

Consequently, there are many locations in the U.S. where international surrogacy can take place in a manner that puts intended parents at ease. There are many best surrogacy clinics in the USA and surrogacy agencies that have a high success rate.

Surrogacy in the USA is allowed in several locations of the U.S. No matter what USA surrogacy agency you choose, they will ensure you’re matched with a surrogate from a surrogacy-friendly state.

This is critical to work with a surrogacy-friendly state that allows you to:

  • Create an enforceable surrogacy contract of rights and responsibilities.
  • Establish your parental rights before your baby is born and even after that.
  • Ensure that your surrogate is currently getting proper care and compensation throughout her pregnancy.
  • Surrogacy in the US., therefore, provides numerous legal protections that you may not get in another nation
  • Additionally, if you’re an international LGBT couple, keep in mind that the US recognizes gay marriage — which implies you can both be named legal parents of your kid before you return to your home nation.

#2. There are various surrogates eager to work with LGBT couples of all nationalities.

Surrogacy attorneys across the United States can represent your surrogacy case during the surrogacy process. That is to make sure you get legal protection, and that your surrogacy process meets the legal standards as required.

#3. Surrogates that are fully screened and ready for surrogacy in the USA or outside the USA

The procedure for surrogacy in the United States cares more for the interest of the surrogates than other nations could. That is why legal surrogate mothers in the USA are available. The average surrogate mother cost in the USA is $60,000 to $70,000 USD for a typical U.S. journey.

In other less-developed nations, surrogate mothers are treated with questionable ethical practices. Including, underpaying surrogates for their services, and forcing surrogates to live away from family, probably in a surrogate house in the USA until the surrogate baby is born.

#4. Surrogacy in the USA is for ALL would-be parents.  LGBT/Gay Men Surrogacy in the United States

USA Surrogacy offers incredible options to all prospective parents. With full acceptance for all communities, it offers equal opportunity to wishful parents irrespective of their race, sexual, and marital status. World-renowned surrogacy centers in the USA are dedicated to fulfilling the dream of becoming parents for intended parents.

In the USA, a state like California is same-sex couples friendly and is one of the best options for gay couple surrogacy in the USA.

#5. Professional and experienced surrogacy operators for surrogacy in the USA

Surrogacy is a continuously changing process, so less developed nations around the globe might not have the resources to ensure that their surrogacy operation is as up-to-date.

Whenever you are pursuing surrogacy in one of these nations, your overall surrogacy process might not be as secure as it is in the USA.

With surrogacy in the USA, your surrogacy will be achieved with the latest developments in IVF clinics, legal protections, and more. Surrogacy laws in the USA are usually better developed and more detailed than in other nations.

The USA surrogacy agencies have years of experience in successfully helping intended parents. Surrogacy agencies in other nations might not have this expertise. Even when you’re an international parent, you will receive the same quality and amount of services as a local intended parent.

#6. The highest success rate with the best IVF Clinics

IVF Clinics in the United States are among the most developed in quality and service. We work with the best IVF Clinic in the USA. Approximately 85% of embryo transfers lead to a pregnancy when a donor egg is utilized. That is much higher than in most overseas clinics.

USA IVF Clinics are one of the best in the world with years of experience. The local surrogate mother in the USA is given adequate compensation with a world-class medical facility. What else a prospective parent can ask for?

The US legislation requires fertility clinics to report the results of their IVF and embryo transfer processes.

The US Centres for Disease Control reports which IVF Clinics have the best success rate. Parents may review the success rates of different IVF clinics to help select the most reliable program.


International vs. domestic surrogacy

Is surrogacy in the United States Legal?

The USA accepts and celebrates commercial surrogacy and altruistic surrogacy with profound legal laws that benefit both intended parents as well as surrogate mothers.

While many states in America are still against commercial surrogacy, most states are relatively surrogacy-friendly and allow gestational surrogacy for heterosexual and married couples.

Surrogacy in California is popular for gay couples. Read more about Surrogacy Costs in California

Surrogacy-friendly states in the US ensure straightforward measures to provide prospective parents with legal parentage.

The Surrogacy agreement:

It is one of the most essential parts of any surrogacy arrangement.  Under this, a mutual contract between the prospective intended parents and the surrogate mother. A surrogacy agreement is outlined by an experienced reproductive lawyer and consists of duties and obligations for both parties. It also includes the financial details of the surrogacy program.

The Pre-Birth Order:

This is also known as the “Declaration of Parentage.” That is a court order that is applicable in the 3rd trimester of surrogate pregnancy. It states that the hospital should have the name of the intended parents on the baby’s birth certificate. Any state that supports Pre-order will put the name of the Intended parents on the baby’s birth certificate.

The Post-Birth Order:

For the USA States that do not support pre-birth order, post-birth order is a good alternative. In the post-birth order, the legal parentage of the baby is determined. It is only issued after the baby’s delivery so there is a chance that the surrogate mother can contest the rights of the baby after the baby’s delivery. So, having the pre-birth order has an advantage over the post-birth order.

The surrogacy laws in the United States are much more organized than in European countries. USA Surrogate laws by state are as below.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in the USA?

Surrogacy in the U.S. is one of the most expensive in the world, but the costs depend on multiple factors, such as agency fees, medical expenses, and surrogate compensation.

Estimated Cost Breakdown:

Expense Category Estimated Cost (USD)
Surrogacy Agency Fees $20,000 – $40,000
Surrogate Compensation $55,000 – $80,000
IVF & Medical Costs $30,000 – $50,000
Legal Fees $8,000 – $12,000
Total Estimated Cost $120,000 – $180,000

Factors Affecting Costs:

  • Location: Costs vary depending on the state.
  • Medical needs: Additional IVF cycles, embryo screening (PGT-A), and other medical procedures increase costs.
  • Surrogate’s insurance: Some surrogates require separate health insurance coverage.


Ways to Reduce Surrogacy Costs

While surrogacy in the U.S. is expensive, intended parents can explore several strategies to manage costs.

1. Consider Independent Surrogacy

Working directly with a surrogate without an agency can save $20,000 – $40,000. However, this approach requires careful legal and logistical planning.

2. Explore Surrogacy Grants & Financing

Several organizations provide grants or loans for surrogacy expenses, such as:

  • Men Having Babies (Gay Parenting Assistance Program)
  • Baby Quest Foundation
  • Journey to Parenthood Grant

3. Compare IVF Clinic Costs

IVF expenses vary significantly between clinics. Researching multiple fertility centers and choosing one with competitive pricing can lower overall costs.


Surrogacy Timeline: How much time it takes for surogacy journey

Step-by-Step Guide to the Surrogacy Process

1. Choose a Surrogacy Agency or Independent Route

  • Research reputable surrogacy agencies in surrogacy-friendly states.
  • If choosing independent surrogacy, hire a reproductive attorney.

2. Match with a Surrogate

  • Agencies facilitate matching with medically and psychologically screened surrogates.
  • Independent intended parents find surrogates through personal networks or online communities.

3. Legal Agreement & Contract Signing

  • Draft and sign a legally binding contract between intended parents and the surrogate.
  • Ensure legal parentage rights are secured before birth.

4. Embryo Transfer & Pregnancy

  • IVF specialists perform embryo transfer at a fertility clinic.
  • The surrogate undergoes regular prenatal care and pregnancy monitoring.

5. Birth & Establishing Parental Rights

  • In most surrogacy-friendly states, a pre-birth order ensures legal parentage before birth.
  • In other states, a post-birth adoption process may be required.

best surrogacy agencies in usa

Which U.S. States are Surrogacy-Friendly?

The USA States, where surrogacy is legal, are:


Local state law has declared surrogacy agreements valid in Arkansas. A 2017 court ruling makes the law applicable to both heterosexual and same-sex married couples. Same-sex couples need to be married to do surrogacy in Arkansas.


Undoubtedly, California is a favorable surrogacy location in the USA. There are numerous court cases to support surrogacy agreements and pre-birth orders. Same-sex surrogacy is allowed. Also, surrogacy cost USA is much higher in this State. California consists of many top surrogacy agencies in the USA as well as the best surrogacy agencies in the United States.


There are laws supporting surrogacy agreements and pre-birth orders.

District of Columbia:

Commercial surrogacy agreements are valid till now. The law defines parentage as per the terms of the ART process.


State law supports the Surrogacy Agreement and pre-birth order. It is only possible if at least one parent is genetically related to the baby. There is no clear law helping same-sex couples.


As of 2018 pre-birth orders are supported by the State.


It is a much more favorable surrogacy state. There are clear laws supporting surrogacy agreements and pre-birth orders.

New Hampshire:

Surrogacy agreements are enforceable and pre-birth orders are supported. For this, the Intended Parents and the Surrogate adhere to specific guidelines.

U.S. states that are somewhat surrogacy-friendly:


Only married couples are supported by pre-birth orders.


The state Supreme Court has forcible pre-birth orders. However, as such, there is no specific legal support for surrogacy arrangements.


Gestational surrogacy agreements are allowed for legally married couples only after the baby is born.


Gestational surrogacy is supported in Maryland. However, a pre-birth order is issued only three days after childbirth. If the Intended Mother is not the egg donor, then she must appeal for a co-parent adoption to become the legal mother.


There are no clear gestational surrogacy laws. There is court support for post-birth orders to establish parental rights.


The surrogacy agreement can be enforceable, but the same is not the case with pre-birth orders.


The State defines and supports surrogacy agreements if the Intended Parents are genetically related to the baby.


Gestational surrogacy agreements in Texas are approved for legally married, heterosexual couples.


Gestational surrogacy agreements are allowed with many complicated restrictions. Post-birth orders are issued instead.


Commercial surrogacy agreements are prohibited under the law, but altruistic surrogacy is supported.

West Virginia:

Pre-birth orders are supported, but only between lawfully married heterosexual couples.

U.S. states that are NOT surrogacy-friendly


The local laws do not support surrogacy agreements. The surrogate is the legitimate mother by statute.


There are no supportive laws, and pre-birth orders are not issued


There are no supportive rules. However, pre-birth orders can only be issued if the couple uses their egg and sperm for the IVF cycle.


Surrogacy arrangements are “void and unenforceable” by law.


The gestational surrogacy agreement is only legally restricted to married heterosexual couples using their egg and sperm.


Commercial surrogacy agreements are prohibited. Anyone who does participate in commercial arrangements may face criminal penalties.


Commercial surrogacy agreements are prevented by law. For altruistic surrogacy, there are no clear laws.

New York:

Surrogacy arrangements are illegal and carry a fine of up to $10,000. There has been much positive support for surrogacy in NY, and in the future time, it might be possible for the residents of New York to participate in surrogate procedures.


There are no gestational surrogacy laws. Courts do not approve pre-birth orders, but post-birth orders may be issued.


Gestational surrogacy agreements are allowed only between legally married, heterosexual couples. That is possible if a court review validates the Agreement after the birth.


There are no surrogacy-related laws. Courts do not approve pre-birth orders, but post-birth orders may be issued.


Courts may support pre-birth orders. The post-birth orders are always required following the birth to confirm legal parentage.

U.S. states that have no surrogacy legislation


As it is there are no surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive. No clear support for pre-birth orders.


There are no surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive.


There are no laws, but courts have been generally supportive.


There are no surrogacy laws.


No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be awarded on a case-by-case basis.


No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be given to married couples.


No laws, but courts have been generally supportive of pre-birth orders.


No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive.


No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive.


No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be awarded on a case basis.


No surrogacy laws, and very few legal precedents.

New Mexico:

No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be granted on a case basis.

North Carolina:

No surrogacy laws, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be granted on a case basis.


No laws on surrogacy, but courts have been generally supportive. Pre-birth orders may be granted.

Rhode Island:

No laws on surrogacy, but courts have been generally supportive.

South Carolina:

No laws on surrogacy, but courts have been generally supportive.

South Dakota:

No laws on surrogacy, but courts have been generally supportive.


No surrogacy laws, and very few legal precedents.

Gay surroacy is possible in colombia

What about International surrogacy costs?

Additional guide for international surrogacy for those who can not afford the high cost of surrogacy:

International surrogacy countries you can trust. Best countries for international surrogacy:

1. Surrogacy in Ukraine– Secure and trusted option for married couples.

2. Surrogacy in Georgia Secure and trusted option for married couples.

3. Surrogacy in the USA -Surrogacy in the United States is legal, safe, and secure but incredibly costly.

4. Surrogacy in Mexico – Secure and trusted option for single parents, gay couples,  and married couples.

5. Surrogacy in Colombia– Secure and trusted option for gay couples or single males, hetero couples, and gay couples.

6. Surrogacy in Argentina– Secure and trusted option for gay couples or single males, hetero couples, and gay couples.


More resources for International surrogacy countries:

 Top 4 cheapest countries for surrogacy in the world

What are the risks of international surrogacy?

Countries where surrogacy is legal(2020) 

Best country for gay couple surrogacy 


Here is the table for the cheapest countries for surrogacy, In case if you are considering surrogacy outside the USA.

Country Regulation & Organization Who are allowed to participate Surrogacy Cost Legal Assurance
Colombia Altruistic Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Affordable


Mexico Altruistic Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Affordable

$70,000 to $80,000

USA Commercial Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Costly


Ukraine Commercial Hetero couples Affordable


Georgia Commercial Hetero couples Affordable




Greece Altruistic Hetero couples and single women Affordable




affordable countries for Surrogacy 

International Surrogacy vs. Surrogacy in the USA

Many intended parents consider surrogacy in countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Ukraine due to lower costs. However, these options come with legal risks and ethical considerations.

Comparing Costs: USA vs. International Surrogacy

Country Estimated Cost (USD) Legal Security Availability for LGBTQ+
USA $120,000 – $180,000 ✅ High ✅ Yes
Mexico $60,000 – $80,000 ❌ Varies by state ✅ Yes
Colombia $50,000 – $70,000 ❌ Legal risks ✅ Yes
Ukraine $50,000 – $70,000 ❌ Uncertain due to war ❌ No

Why Choose the USA Over International Surrogacy?

Stronger legal protections for intended parents.
Higher medical standards and safety for surrogates and babies.
Guaranteed parental rights through pre-birth or post-birth orders.

What are international surrogacy laws by country?

Table with information on countries and their surrogacy laws:

Country Commercial Surrogacy Altruistic Surrogacy Surrogacy Status
Australia Prohibited Allowed Altruistic surrogacy is legal in all jurisdictions. Commercial surrogacy is a criminal offense.
Canada Banned Allowed Only altruistic surrogacy is permitted. Compensation for gestational carriers is limited to approved expenses.
Colombia Uncertain Allowed There are no clear rules, but altruistic surrogacy is performed and well tolerated.
Greece Banned Allowed Heterosexual couples and single females are allowed.
India Prohibited Allowed Altruistic surrogacy is permitted for certain couples based on medical and age criteria.
Israel Allowed Allowed Gestational surrogacy is legal under the Embryo Carrying Agreements Law.
Kenya N/A N/A No legal regulations/laws for surrogacy in Kenya.
Mexico Allowed N/A Surrogacy, along with ovum and sperm donation, has been legal since 1992.
New Zealand N/A Allowed Altruistic surrogacy is legal.
Thailand Banned N/A Commercial surrogacy is criminalized under the Medical Council Act.
Ukraine Allowed Allowed Surrogacy and egg/sperm donation are legal and supported by liberal laws.
United Kingdom N/A Allowed Surrogacy laws vary across different states/territories in the UK.
United States Varies by state Allowed Surrogacy laws vary by state, some are surrogacy-friendly, while others restrict or penalize commercial surrogacy.


Final Thoughts: Is Surrogacy in the USA Right for You?

Surrogacy in the USA remains the gold standard for intended parents worldwide due to strong legal protections, high medical standards, and inclusivity for all family types.

However, it is crucial to:

Understand state-specific laws before proceeding.
Plan financially and explore cost-saving options.
Consult with a surrogacy attorney to ensure smooth legal procedures.

For personalized guidance, consider reaching out to a trusted surrogacy agency or fertility consultant.

For those intended parents, who are unable to bear the high cost of surrogacy in the USA, we can safely offer them surrogacy in Eastern European countries like Colombia, Mexico, and Georgia.  Surrogacy in Ukraine and Surrogacy in Georgia offer much more affordable yet legal surrogacy options to those would-be parents who are not fortunate to spend tons of money in the USA.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.


Mobile: +91-8800481100  ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)  

Email: neelam@ivfconceptions.com

Web: www.ivfconceptions.com


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