+91-8800481100 neelam@ivfconceptions.com

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost? Surrogacy Prices and Programs (in 2024)

by Neelam Chhagani

How much does Surrogacy Cost? | Surrogate Mother Cost | Affordable Surrogacy Cost Worldwide in 2024

The average cost of surrogacy in the USA ranges from $130,000 to $150,000. The United States of America is one of the preferred locations as it gives legal protection to all parties involved.

However, the ridiculously high surrogacy cost makes it out of reach for most of the intended parents. Fortunately, there are legal international countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America where the average fee of surrogacy is almost 70% less than in the US. 

However, what is important for the intended parent is to find reputable and reliable agencies abroad for their third-party reproductive journey. In this comprehensive surrogacy cost guide, we will what constitutes surrogacy expenses and what are more affordable surrogacy countries to consider. 


Mobile: +91-8800481100  ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)  

Email: neelam@ivfconceptions.com

Web: www.ivfconceptions.com


Surrogacy costs resources worldwide: 

Top 4 cheapest countries for surrogacy

Best Countries for Surrogacy 2024- Top International Destinations

Risks of international surrogacy 

Global International Surrogacy Options

Surrogacy In Mexico-Everything Intended Parents Need To Know

Cheapest Country For Gay Surrogacy- Colombia

Low-cost surrogate mother in Argentina 

Low-cost surrogate mother in Kazakhstan 

Surrogacy in Argentina- A Comprehensive Guide

Why USA Couples Should Do Surrogacy In Georgia, Europe?


how much does surrogacy costUnderstanding the Cost of Surrogacy with Breakdown

The average surrogacy expenses ($130,000 to $150,000) in the United States varies widely depending on several factors, such as the location, the medical expenses involved, and the specific arrangements made between the intended parents and the surrogate. Here are the main expenses:

#1. Fertility treatments:

If the intended parents are using their own eggs and sperm, they may need to undergo fertility treatments to help the surrogate become pregnant. These treatments can include medications to stimulate egg production and in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves fertilizing the eggs in a laboratory and transferring the resulting embryos into the surrogate’s uterus.  

#2. Agency fees:

These agencies charge fees for their services, which can include finding and screening potential surrogates, coordinating medical care, and handling legal and logistical issues.

#3.  Surrogate Compensation: 

It is common for surrogates to receive financial compensation for their time and efforts in carrying a pregnancy to term. This compensation can be a significant part of the overall expense and typically is one-third of overall surrogacy fees.

#4. Prenatal care:

The surrogate will need regular prenatal care throughout the pregnancy to ensure the health of both her and the baby. This can include regular check-ups, ultrasounds, and other tests.

#5. Delivery and postpartum care:

The surrogate will need to deliver the baby at a hospital or birthing center, which can be expensive. The delivery fee includes hospital fees, anesthesia, and any other medical interventions that may be necessary. She may also need postpartum care, including check-ups and support with breastfeeding.

#6. Legal costs:

Each arrangement must be carefully documented in a legal contract to protect the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. This can involve hiring attorneys to draft and review the contract, which can add to the overall expense of surrogacy.  Legal fees vary depending on the types of services you take.



Understanding Average Cost of Surrogacy

Two factors cover most of the surrogacy expenses. 

The first is, the living expenses of the country, which largely influence the surrogates’ compensation.

The surrogate payout is higher in the US. The price is calculated based on the State where she lives and if she had been a gestational carrier earlier.

The 2nd primary factor is the fee of healthcare in the country where IVF and surrogate baby delivery are done.

Medical services are extraordinarily high in the US and much higher when compared with IVF Clinics abroad.

American fertility centers are frequently touted as the best globally. However, the intended parent should understand that the success rate of the pregnancy and quality of services are the same in European IVF Clinics.

Surrogacy cost breakdown in USA vs. international surrogacy

  • In Eastern European countries, the total surrogacy journey is usually paid during the 12-month  process, and payments will be split into relatively equal, manageable installments.
  • But for the USA, an escrow account is created to transfer the full surrogate compensation at the beginning. It means when you start your parenthood process in the USA, you need to pay a considerable lump sum amount to get even started.

Overseas, you can start with a limited amount of money and can pay in installments as per the stages of your program.

A pregnant surrogate motherAverage Cost of Surrogacy Worldwide: 

Some international surrogacy countries like Georgia and Ukraine offer ranging from $50,000 and go up to $65,000. That is a much more affordable option for married hetero couples who are unable to afford higher fees in the US.

Similarly, affordable gay couple surrogacy is possible outside the USA—–Latin American countries like Colombia and Argentina have gained lots of popularity.

The gay surrogacy in Colombia for a guaranteed baby program is as low as $65,000.

Surrogacy in Mexico is possible per the Supreme Court decision in 2021 with a guaranteed surrogacy in Mexico available for 66,900 USD.

Key takeaway:

  • Surrogacy expenses in the US are higher due to higher medical procedure fees and higher compensation.
  • International surrogacy countries like Georgia, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia offer legal options at a fraction of the US fee.

gestational carrierSurrogacy Expenses Explained:

In the USA, surrogate payout (mostly known as surrogate compensation) will account for over half of the entire expense.  One-third of the fee is attributed to agency fees and legal fees. The remainder of the fee should go for medical procedures done in IVF clinics and other associated fees.

In the United States, most of the fee is paid in advance (escrow account).

Let us discuss the outline for your surrogacy budget in a typical US journey.

#1. Administrative or Consultation fee

  • Paid to Surrogacy Agency or third-party agent at the time of sign-up
  • Consulting Fee: $3000 to $6000

Becoming a parent via the surrogacy process comes with a considerable amount of financial and emotional enterprise. So, you need to make sure hiring a gestational surrogate is the only option left for you.

If such a professional tries to sell you a program without first assessing your situation and reviewing options and underlying dangers, that ought to be an immediate red flag.

#2. Agency Fees:

  • Paid at the start of the process
  • Surrogacy Agency Fee: $25,000 to $30,000

It provides its full service to you from the moment you contact it till the time you are home with a new baby.

However, in Asian countries, the typical agency fee starts from $3,500 to $5,000. You need to consider all options like an independent /private journey, where you manage your parenthood journey.

  • Finding a healthy gestational carrier for you.
  • Suggesting you the best IVF Clinics or assisting you with the IVF Clinics you choose.
  • Suggesting an egg donor and helping you in choosing an egg donor.
  • Put you in touch with a qualified and experienced attorney.
  • Liaising and navigating between you, the surrogate, the IVF Clinic, and the Egg donor agency, and making sure all goes smoothly.
  • Preparing and setting your expectations beforehand.

#3. Administration Fees for Selecting Surrogate Mother:

  • Paid to the Agency and due at the request of the surrogate service
  • Surrogate Matching Fee: $15,000

The hardest and longest part of the journey is looking for a qualified surrogate. The good news is that there are many good professionals out there, that can help to find the best surrogate mother for you, as per your needs. Not only finding, but managing her medical tests and preparation, her psychological evaluation, and background checks taken care of by the agency.

The payment covers the expense of assessing and initially preparing your carrier. Even though the agency usually has numerous prospective candidates, they won’t start a complete medical evaluation until an Intended Parent has been matched with a surrogate.

At this time, fertility tests, clinical evaluations, psychological tests, and criminal background checking is done.

#4. IVF Procedure Fees:

  • Paid to IVF Clinic and due at the start of the IVF Cycle
  • Fertility Clinic IVF Fee: $25,000 to $35,000

Most IVF clinics won’t provide any medical services without an upfront full IVF Cycle fee, and this payment serves that purpose. It starts with the initial screening and consulting with the stimulation protocol.

It’s due when parents schedule their first visit to the IVF clinic to leave their sperm sample, or when they engage with the IVF clinic to plan their egg donation.

Surrogate mother pay

#5. Surrogate Mothers Pay:

  • Paid upfront in Escrow account on signing the agreement
  • Surrogate Base Compensation: $50,000 to $55,000 based on the surrogate location

Premium agencies take extra care in finding a surrogate.

How Much Does Surrogate Make?

In the USA, local laws frequently demand that the whole surrogate compensation is paid in advance to an escrow account. The gestational carrier compensation is paid in advance in an escrow account. Her monthly payments are released every month throughout the pregnancy. For this reason, typically, a large first payment is needed when the surrogate is chosen and signed.

On the other hand, in cross-border countries like Ukraine, Georgia, Mexico, and Colombia, payment is taken stagewise, and no escrow account is needed.  The surrogate mother gets $400 on the day of embryo transfer and then every month a small amount (as low as $300) till nine months.

#6. Egg Donation Matching fee:

  • Paid to Egg Donor Agency 
  • Egg Donor Fee: $20,000 to $35,000

Donor Agency services include:

  • Finding and matching a desired donor for the couples. Generally, they have a huge database of donors which parents can review.
  • Make sure that the egg donor is qualified for egg donation by doing the background check upon the information she has given.
  • Her psychological analysis and counseling set her obligation.
  • Coordination and follow-up between all parties. 

#7. Surrogate pregnancy /Prenatal care:

  • Paid to the Gynaecologist Clinic/ Escrow Account
  • Prenatal Care Fee: $5000 to $10,000

The surrogate pregnancy is easy to manage if there is surrogate insurance in place.

Prenatal care starts when the pregnancy is confirmed. Prenatal care cost is used for prenatal exams, ultrasound, doctor fee, and personal supervision.

#8. Baby Delivery Fee:

  • Paid by Insurance Cover or Out-of-Pocket at the Time of the Birth
  • Baby Delivery fee: $5000 to $8,000

This payment covers the cost of baby delivery and the postnatal care of the surrogate. We have seen that 99% of the time this is not included in the package list.

Since deliveries frequently occur prematurely and without warning (especially in the case of twins), this payment is often necessary before the estimated delivery date.

To give an example, just four months back, we had such a case for a single father.

His surrogate carried twins, and she was in the pink of her health. All of a sudden, her water broke around week 31. The babies need to be taken out immediately via an urgent C-section. The babies were kept in the NICU for two months before they could go home.

Luckily, we had a professional and dedicated local team and medical help, who took the decision within hours and went ahead with the procedure. The father came after one week and had to pay all the balance of hospital bills in one go.

To avoid such situations, most healthcare professionals swear to have one healthy baby rather than twins.

The final compensation of the surrogate is retained until after delivery. That is done to make sure a surrogate is available throughout the bureaucratic process of applying for citizenship and the passports of the baby.

What is Commercial Surrogacy? A Comprehensive Guide#9. Legal costs

  • Paid a local attorney at the beginning and middle of the pregnancy
  •     Legal Fee: $8000 to $10,000

Surrogacy laws vary from state to state and country to country. Most agencies assist the intended parents with the paperwork required to register the infant’s birth and to begin the process of establishing the infant’s citizenship.

They will be guiding and assisting in getting the birth certification, copies of the contract, hospital records of the birth and embassy documentation, translations, etc.

The DNA test to confirm the baby’s genetic link with the parent is an essential part of the surrogacy journey. The DNA test fee varies country-wise and has Genetic labs, but it can be around $600- $1000.

In some countries like the UK, the legalization process needs a court order; parents may expect to pay legal fees directly to a local attorney.

Other small payments may contain documents notarized, translated, or apostilled. These are typically quite a small charge.

Related Topics you might like to Read:

How much does surrogacy cost?

Incidental or Miscellaneous Surrogacy Price to Consider

There is always a hidden cost in surrogacy as most IVF clinics and agencies do not tell you upfront about a few extra expenses. These “additional fees” or “Incidental fees” are placed at the bottom of the price list.

But the truth is, these are essential pieces of information to review as they give you an accurate indication of the actual expense that you will incur. 

This incidental fee plays an integral role in making the final decision. Unfortunately, the outcome of an IVF cycle cannot be predicted in advance due to the IVF outcome, but at least you can be prepared.

All parties hope and expect to have a positive pregnancy on the first attempt, but it might take longer to have the desired outcome. Thus, there are good chances that you might end up using incidental cost, then not using it.

Related Questions To Ask When Planning a Surrogacy Budget:

  • How much is the actual surrogate mother’s compensation?
  • Which services are not included, and what is the estimated fee for that?
  • Ask whether the services are included as a full fee and find out if the fees will expire and need to be repeated. Generally, the agency fee is a one-time fee.
  • Indeed, the incidental expense is not easy to calculate as even service providers do not predict how much time and attempts you might need. But they can give you the maximum estimated fee.
  • Ask if there is a guaranteed baby plan available for Intended Parents.
  • Not all IVF Clinics offer such money back or guarantee the baby program, but if anyone offers, you should opt for it.

 List of Incidental Expenses

There are hidden costs that you need to get familiar with before starting the process.  A typical long list of fees that you will find under the incidental part:

  • 2nd transfer of embryos, if the first transfer is not successful
  • If you are using the same surrogate for 2nd time, or new surrogates are matched.
  • Embryos/sperm freezing
  • Twins’ pregnancy
  • PGD/NGS given per embryo
  • Embryos reduction
  • Embryos freezing fee
  • Ectopic pregnancy fee
  • Loss of uterus fee
  • Baby delivery fee
  • C-section additional fee
  • Administrative fees like notarization/apostle/translation
  • Extra IVF Fee, if not successful in one round of IVF
  • Shipment fee, if needed.
  • If the gestational carrier is hospitalized, the actual hospital bill
  • If the baby is born premature, the NICU fee
  • DNA test fee

This list is just for reference; there might be a more extra fee for a specific case.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost?

Tips To Reduce Gestational Surrogacy Cost

For this, you need to give considerable time to research and understand the different options.

Here are some tips to reduce surrogacy fees:

  1. Use your own eggs or use egg donors among friends or family.
  2. Consider an Independent arrangement. Some couples opt for “Independent Surrogacy” or “Private Surrogacy” commonly known as “Indy Surrogacy”.
  3. Look out for legal yet affordable international countries like Mexico, Colombia, Ukraine, and Georgia.
  4. Consider having a friend or family member as a surrogate as you do not need to pay the surrogate mother compensation.
  5. Financing options like crowdfunding via various support group pages.
  6. Opt for traditional surrogacy, but it is not allowed mostly. 


Table with information on countries and their surrogacy laws:  In case you are considering International Surrogacy 


Commercial Surrogacy

Altruistic Surrogacy

Surrogacy Status




Altruistic surrogacy is legal in all jurisdictions. Commercial surrogacy is a criminal offense.




Only altruistic surrogacy is permitted. Compensation for gestational carriers is limited to approved expenses.




There are no clear rules, but altruistic surrogacy is performed and well tolerated.




Heterosexual couples and single females are allowed.




Altruistic surrogacy is permitted for certain couples based on medical and age criteria.




Gestational surrogacy is legal under the Embryo Carrying Agreements Law.




No legal regulations/laws for surrogacy in Kenya.




Surrogacy, along with ovum and sperm donation, has been legal since 1992.

New Zealand



Altruistic surrogacy is legal.




Commercial surrogacy is criminalized under the Medical Council Act.




Surrogacy and egg/sperm donation are legal and supported by liberal laws.

United Kingdom



Surrogacy laws vary across different states/territories in the UK.

United States

Varies by state


Surrogacy laws vary by state, some are surrogacy-friendly, while others restrict or penalize commercial surrogacy.

Read more resources:

Surrogate Insurance coverage

Surrogate costs with twins.

How much do surrogacy agencies charge for their services?

Why choose legal international surrogacy countries for surrogacy? 

How much does surrogacy cost in Argentina?

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan: What Intended Parents Need to Know?

What is the cost of surrogacy for hetero couples?

What Is the Cost Of Surrogacy In Asia?

Can I find a free surrogate mother

Surrogate mother cost

Our Affordable International Surrogacy Programs and Plans

At IVF Conceptions, we believe that money should not be a reason for not becoming a parent.

That is why we continuously work to find affordable options in the USA and outside the USA.

Over the year, we have developed a unique relationship with numerous IVF Clinics and agencies, egg donor agencies, legal professionals, and logistic support teams. Thus, we can offer the most trusted and affordable surrogacy services in multiple countries.


International Surrogacy Cost in 2024- Surrogacy costs by country

IVF Conceptions Surrogacy Prices & Plans ( in 2023)

The answers depend on which country and what specific services you choose. Please see below our international options, which are affordable yet trusted and secure.

#1.  USA (Los Angeles)- For All Parents

The average cost of services in the USA ranges from $150,000 to $200,000.

#2. Guarantee Baby in Colombia, Bogota- For all parents

How much does gay surrogacy cost in Colombia? – The cost of guaranteed baby surrogacy in  Bogota with an all-inclusive guaranteed baby is $65,000.

#3. Guaranteed Baby in Tbilisi, Georgia- For married couples and de facto couples

How much does surrogacy in Georgia cost?  The guaranteed baby cost of surrogacy in Georgia is 67,000 USD. This is a fixed-price program with unlimited clinic & admin services until you are home with your baby.

#4. Guaranteed Baby Surrogacy in Mexico- For all parents.  

How much does surrogacy cost in Mexico?  The guaranteed baby cost of surrogacy in Mexico is available for 68,900 USD. Fixed-price programs with unlimited clinic & admin services until you are home with your baby.

#5.  Guaranteed Baby Surrogacy in Argentina- For all parents.  

How much does surrogacy cost in Argentina?  The guaranteed baby cost of surrogacy in Argentina is 65,000 USD. Fixed-price programs with unlimited clinic & admin services until you are home with your baby.


Here are the cheapest countries for surrogacy:



Regulation & Organization

Who are allowed to participate

Surrogacy Cost

Legal Assurance



Singles, gay couples, hetero couples






Singles, gay couples, hetero couples


$70,000 to $80,000




Singles, gay couples, hetero couples






Hetero couples






Hetero couples







Hetero couples and single women







5 Things To Know Before Going For Surrogacy Process

FAQ for Surrogacy costs for the intended parents 

How much does Surrogacy cost?

The average surrogacy costs depend on the country in which you choose. In the USA, surrogacy costs start from $150,000 to $2000,000. The price of surrogacy is much less outside the USA, and it is in the range of $60,000 to $70,000. 

What is the cost of surrogacy for gay couples?

The cost of gay surrogacy ranges from $65,000 to $70,000 for the all-inclusive guaranteed baby plans in Colombia and Mexico.

What countries offer affordable yet legal surrogacy?

Gestational surrogacy is both legal and affordable for married couples in Eastern European countries like Georgia and Ukraine.  For same-sex and single-males, the most affordable countries are Mexico and Colombia.

What is a surrogacy financing option for parents?

The expensive surrogacy in the USA is not for everyone, so opting for international surrogacy countries is good for many parents. Learn more about financing optionswhich can help.

Will health insurance help me to cut the surrogacy fees?

Realistically, not much. Only a few states in the USA require insurance companies to cover infertility treatment. Most of them do not cover IVF treatment in their required coverage.

What is the cost associated with surrogacy?

The cost of surrogacy can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the country or region you’re in, the agency you choose, the surrogate’s compensation, medical expenses, and legal fees. Generally, the total cost can range from a few tens of thousands of dollars to over a hundred thousand dollars.

Are there any agency fees involved?

Yes, surrogacy agencies charge a fee for their services. This fee is usually separate from other expenses and can include services such as finding and screening potential surrogates, coordinating the surrogacy process, and providing support and guidance throughout the journey.

How much does a surrogate mother get compensated?

The compensation for a surrogate mother can vary depending on the country and individual arrangements. It generally includes a base fee, which covers the surrogate’s time and effort, as well as additional allowances for medical and pregnancy-related expenses.

Can surrogacy be done for free?

In some cases, surrogacy arrangements may be made between close friends or family members, where the surrogate agrees to carry the baby without charging any compensation. However, it’s important to consider all legal and emotional aspects involved in such situations.

Are there any additional costs in the surrogacy process?

Yes, besides agency fees and surrogate compensation, there may be additional costs involved in the surrogacy process. These can include legal fees, fertility clinic expenses, medical costs, insurance coverage, and any other necessary procedures such as egg donation or embryo transfer.

What are the legal fees associated with surrogacy?

Legal fees are a part of the overall cost of surrogacy. These fees cover the drafting and review of surrogacy contracts, court fees in case legal proceedings are required, and any legal representation required for both the intended parents and the surrogate.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, and egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families.


Mobile: +91-8800481100  ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)  

Email: neelam@ivfconceptions.com

Web: www.ivfconceptions.com

Our founder and chief surrogacy consultant, Neelam Chhagani, passionately helps couples struggling with fertility challenges. Since starting our surrogacy consulting agency in 2013, we’ve helped welcome over 500 babies for intended parents nationwide.

Our team includes experts from diverse backgrounds with leading reproductive attorneys, professionally trained top fertility doctors, former surrogacy case managers, experienced and kind surrogate mother and egg donor coordinators, mental health professionals specializing in infertility counseling, and a logistic support team to assist you in your chosen surrogacy country.

More Resources: