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How COVID -19 Can Affect Fertility And Pregnancy?

by Neelam Chhagani

COVID -19 is affecting fertility and pregnancy, the key is getting informed and staying safe. 

How COVID 19 is affecting intended parents

On 31 December 2019, a cluster of unidentified pneumonia cases was announced by the Health Commission of the Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China. The virus has been isolated, its genome sequenced, and established as the novel coronavirus of 2019.  COVID -19 affects fertility and pregnancy in many ways, and we will discuss the same in this article.

The COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to the global healthcare system, with a dramatic rise in the number of people affected. Clinical and public health guidance has aimed to reduce possible health impacts by using the best medical advice and data available to guide decision-making to help contain the virus, delay its dissemination and reduce its effects on those infected.

Italy recently became the nation that surpassed the number of deaths from the COVID -19 than China. Now, the USA is closely following getting a lot of attention due to a sudden increase in the number of people who are found to be contaminated with this virus. The COVID -19 infection passes on from the respiratory droplets (either through cough or sneezing) of the infected patients.

Over the next few months, the people will remain infected by COVID -19. However, we are unable to determine the future number of patients. However, people who have chronic medical illnesses like diabetes, respiratory illness, and cardiovascular disease are more prone to COVID -19 infection. Also, people aged more than 60 years of age are more prone to COVID -19 infection.

So, COVID -19 is affecting most people and their lives along with the financial markets and tourism industry. It is also affecting the international surrogacy industry. So, what effect does it have on your fertility? Is it possible that it does not affect your fertility? Read on to know more about it.

IVF with gender selection is possibleHow does COVID -19 affect human fertility and pregnancy?

COVID -19 may or may not affect your fertility and pregnancy. It is too early to know the effect of this virus on pregnancy. Here are a few FAQs that are common among the couple regarding the effect of COVID -19 on human fertility.

#1. Does having COVID -19 affect sperm quality?

It is not known until now that COVID -19 will affect sperm quality. The article, which was published on the website of the Hubei government and widely spread before being retracted on Chinese social media, reported that men who contracted the disease would seek medical advice to determine if the virus had affected their fertility. Furthermore, the team did not conduct a review to determine male fertility in patients with coronavirus infection, so there is no evidence to indicate that the virus is present in the samples.

However, Stress over COVID-19 can affect men’s sperm and potential kids.

So, don’t worry and don’t take stress as the COVID -19 may not hamper your sperm quality but stress can.

#2. Does having COVID -19 affect the egg quality?

It is currently not known whether it affects egg quality or not. But if you have flu-like symptoms or are in touch with a person who is infected with the COVID -19, fertility therapy should be postponed. Even if you have traveled the area where COVID -19 is persistent you should avoid going for fertility therapy.

However, it can become a persistent problem when the body is on high alert all the time due to an elevated stress load. It can influence your health negatively as well as directly affect the health of your eggs and your future children.

So, don’t worry a lot about COVID -19. It is just another phase and it will pass soon. Beware of stress as it can hamper your egg quality more than the disease itself.

#3. How will it affect my pregnancy if I have been diagnosed with COVID -19 while pregnant?

Sure, but it isn’t the virus that endangers pregnancy. These are the signs. According to the CDC, pregnancy loss including miscarriage and stillbirth was observed among instances of infection with other related coronaviruses during pregnancy. High fevers may increase the risk of certain birth defects during the first trimester of pregnancy. Studies of pregnant women with SARS resulted in miscarriage during the first trimester, with 4 out of 8 pregnancies. Additional research is needed to learn how coronavirus infection can affect a pregnancy. So, if you are diagnosed with COVID -19 and are a pregnant woman, speak as soon as possible with your healthcare provider.

#4. Can a pregnant woman pass the COVID -19 to the newborn child?

A woman would unlikely transmit the COVID -19 infection to her fetus. Infection with COVID -19 spreads through the respiratory droplets, either through cough or sneezes as per the CDC. Whether a pregnant woman with COVID-19 can transmit the virus which causes COVID-19 to her fetus via other vertical transmission routes remains unclear. Also, the virus is not observed in the breastmilk samples and amniotic fluid. So, a woman might not pass it on to the fetus but if anyone with COVID-19, touches or sneezes, or coughs near the infant, a newborn will get affected.

Therefore, extra care must be taken for the baby, as the immunity is low in newborns so that the baby does not receive COVID-19 infection.

A mother and childSo, what should infertile parents do in this situation?

Infertility is a life crisis and it becomes challenging during the COVID -19 pandemic. However, your fertility providers will help you out in every way possible. But do listen to them if they say they can’t perform the fertilization process or embryo transfer amid the COVID -19 outbreak. Meanwhile, couples should also follow the COVID -19 guidelines provided to them in their country.

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COVID -19 affects fertility and pregnancy throughout the world.  This virus does not respect the border. Therefore, the article might help you to resolve some of the queries you might be looking for. Stay healthy and stay safe!

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Neelam Chhagani is an International Surrogacy Expert with 15 years of experience in the fertility and surrogacy domain. As the founder of IVF Conceptions, she has guided over 4,000 intended parents worldwide on their surrogacy journey to parenthood. Recognized as a trusted authority, she specializes in holistic infertility solutions and third-party reproduction consulting. Holding an MA in Counselling Psychology and a PGD in Mental Health, Neelam is a proud member of the European Fertility Society (EFS) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). She is also a leading surrogacy blogger, providing valuable insights into ethical and practical surrogacy solutions. Since 2010, committed to supporting ALL family types, Neelam has been passionate about helping intended parents grow their families with compassion, integrity, and a focus on secure and affordable surrogacy options​ Globally. Learn more about Neelam: https://www.ivfconceptions.com/neelam-chhagani-surrogacy-consultant/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/neelam-chhagani-92892229/ https://www.quora.com/profile/Neelam-Chhagani

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