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Understanding the Cost of Surrogacy in Canada

Cost of Surrogacy in Canada | Surrogacy in Canada

Ever thought about the costs of starting a family through surrogacy in Canada? Many parents-to-be find the price of surrogacy in Canada a big deal. It’s important to understand what you’re paying for. Before you begin, making a realistic budget is key.

When diving into the process, know that surrogacy in Canada involves various costs. These include fees for the surrogate, the agency, lawyers, and medical care. It’s time to look closely at what the total cost might be.

Key Takeaways

More resources: Surrogacy in Canada: A Guide for Intended Parents


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What is Surrogacy and Its Legal Status in Canada

In Canada, surrogacy operates under a special set of laws. Charging money for surrogacy services is against the law. This makes surrogacy in Canada an altruistic act. It means surrogate mothers can’t earn more than the cost of their pregnancy expenses.

Surrogacy costs resources worldwide: 

Top 4 cheapest countries for surrogacy

Best Countries for Surrogacy 2023- Top International Destinations

Risks of international surrogacy 

Global International Surrogacy Options

Surrogacy In Mexico-Everything Intended Parents Need To Know

Cheapest Country For Gay Surrogacy- Colombia

Low-cost surrogate mother in Argentina 

Defining Altruistic Surrogacy in Canada

In Canada, altruistic surrogacy means a woman carries a baby for another person or couple. This is the case for legitimate surrogacy expenses. In commercial surrogacy, however, the surrogate receives a fee.

Surrogacy in CanadaSurrogacy in Canada

Legal Framework: The Assisted Human Reproduction Act

The Assisted Human Reproduction Act is the main law for surrogacy in Canada. It lays down the rules for acceptable surrogacy, banning commercial surrogacy. It also discusses how to pay surrogates for their costs.

Provincial Regulations on Surrogacy

Some provinces have their own rules for surrogacy in Canada. They offer more advice on surrogacy agreements, the rights of everyone, and becoming a legal parent.

Gay surrogacy in Canada

Here’s an overview of gay surrogacy in Canada:

Canada is considered one of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights, including surrogacy for same-sex couples.

Canadian law recognizes and protects the rights of gay couples to pursue surrogacy, and there are no legal restrictions based on sexual orientation.

Same-sex couples in Canada have several options for surrogacy:

  1. Gestational surrogacy: This is the most common form of surrogacy for gay couples. It involves an egg donor, whose eggs are fertilized with sperm from one of the intended fathers or a donor. The resulting embryo is then transferred to the gestational surrogate, who carries the pregnancy.
  2. Traditional surrogacy: In this approach, the surrogate is inseminated with sperm from one of the intended fathers or a donor. The surrogate is genetically related to the child in this case.

The surrogacy process for gay couples is similar to that for heterosexual couples, involving legal contracts, medical procedures, and counseling. However, some additional considerations may come into play, such as determining which partner’s sperm will be used or finding an egg donor.

Canadian law recognizes the intended parents as the legal parents of the child born through surrogacy, regardless of their sexual orientation or genetic connection to the child.

This recognition is typically established through a court order after the child’s birth.

It’s important to note that while surrogacy is legal in Canada, there are strict regulations surrounding the practice. Commercial surrogacy, where the surrogate is compensated beyond reimbursement for approved expenses, is illegal.

All surrogacy arrangements must be altruistic, with no payment or reward provided to the surrogate beyond reasonable expenses.

Gay couples pursuing surrogacy in Canada are advised to work with experienced surrogacy professionals, such as fertility clinics, lawyers, and agencies, to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and to protect the rights and interests of all parties involved.

cost of surrogacy in Canadacost of surrogacy in Canada

Estimated Cost of Surrogacy in Canada

When you think about surrogacy costs in Canada, there’s a lot to know. The price can change a lot based on what kind of surrogacy it is, where the surrogate lives, and more. We’ll explore the costs of gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy in Canada.

Gestational Surrogacy Costs

If you’re in Canada and looking into gestational surrogacy, having around $100,000 ready is a good idea. This amount covers a mix of things. It includes the costs of the IVF cycle, surrogate expenses (before, during, and after the baby’s birth), any extra costs due to special needs like C-sections or twins, legal fees, life insurance for the surrogate, and the agency fee.

Traditional Surrogacy Costs

In traditional surrogacy, the costs can be a bit lower. This is because the surrogate uses her own egg. On average, it might cost between $60,000 and $80,000. This is less because there are fewer costs for using a surrogate’s own genetic material.

Breakdown of Major Surrogacy Expenses in Canada

Here is the breakdown of costs for surrogacy in Canada:

Surrogacy Expense Category Estimated Cost Range
Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle/IVF Cycle $10,000 – $20,000+
Surrogate Expenses (Pre-Pregnancy) $1,500 – $3,000+
Surrogate Expenses (Pregnancy/Post Partum) $18,000 – $35,000+
Additional Surrogate Expenses (C-section, multiple birth, bedrest) $0 – $10,000
Legal Fees $5,000 – $8,000
Life Insurance Policy for Surrogate $200 – $4,000
Consultant/Agency Fee $0 – $8,500

find your surrogate motherfind your surrogate motherCost of Surrogacy in Canada Compared to Other Countries

Comparing surrogacy costs in Canada to those in other places matters a lot. Surrogacy in Canada might seem cheaper, but it’s around $85,000 USD.

This price is if the first try is successful. Compare this to the United States, where costs can be much higher, from $90,000 to over $120,000.

Looking at other countries, like Ukraine and Georgia, surrogacy is cheaper there, starting at $50,000 USD. In the United Kingdom, expenses might hit around $70,000 USD.

These lower costs are mainly due to different laws, healthcare, and living expenses.

Even with these points, surrogacy costs in Canada can still be tough for some families. Considering the average income, the expense is significant. Some might look for different ways to grow their families because of this.

Comparatively, although higher, the cost of surrogacy in Canada shows a focus on safety and fairness. People planning to use surrogacy in Canada need to be prepared. Careful budgeting and planning are essential for a positive experience.

Surrogacy Expenses and Reimbursements

In Canada, surrogacy expenses follow the Assisted Human Reproduction Act’s rules. This act allows for rules on what payments can be made. It’s not okay to make money from being a surrogate, but you can get money back for certain costs.

Allowable Reimbursements for Surrogates

The law lets surrogate expenses in Canada cover:

Non-Permissible Expenses and Hidden Payments

However, some costs can’t be reimbursed, like:

Recent Changes to Surrogate Reimbursement Regulations

In 2020, rules about surrogate reimbursement in Canada became clearer. They made rules about what costs can be reimbursed. Plus, parents have a way to check and agree on expenses before they pay.

Medical Costs and Insurance Considerations

In Canada, medical costs and insurance are big factors in surrogacy. The good part is, that the country’s healthcare system often covers the surrogate’s health needs, including both before and after giving birth. Insurance frequently pays for the birth itself too.

After the baby is born, things change. It’s then up to the parents to shoulder the newborn’s health costs. This might mean getting private insurance or being ready to pay a lot yourself.

Healthcare Coverage for Surrogate and Baby

The surrogate mother’s health costs in Canada are usually paid for by the government. This takes care of everything from her being healthy to the baby’s arrival to life later on.

Despite this, once the baby is born, the costs shift to the intended parents. They might have to pay significant bills for their baby’s health care.

On average, the cost for a newborn’s care in a Canadian hospital is about $1,000 daily. These costs may rise if the baby stays longer in the hospital or faces health issues. It’s crucial for the parents to include this in their financial planning for the surrogacy.

surrogate mother selectionsurrogate mother selectionAdditional Medical Costs for International Intended Parents

International parents planning surrogacy in Canada may face extra health charges. These could be from needing insurance just for surrogacy, to possibly paying some of the surrogate’s health costs not covered by the system.

It’s key for these parents to look into the costs of surrogacy insurance in Canada. They need to make sure they have enough money and the right coverage for the surrogacy journey.

Legal Fees and Professional Services

Cost of Surrogacy in CanadaCost of Surrogacy in CanadaWhen going through surrogacy in Canada, expect various legal and professional fees. These costs make sure everything follows Canadian laws correctly.

The legal fees for a surrogacy agreement in Canada can be from $5,000 to $8,000. This includes lawyers for the intended parents and the surrogate. They make the surrogacy agreement, checking all involved rights and duties.

Besides legal costs, you should plan for surrogacy consultant and agency fees. These might be $5,000 to $20,000, with an average of $8,500 plus HST. Consultants and agencies help a lot, from finding a surrogate to handling medical and legal parts and keeping everyone in contact.

Expense Cost Range
Surrogate Legal Fees $5,000 – $8,000
Intended Parent Legal Fees $5,000 – $8,000
Surrogacy Consultant/Agency Fees $5,000 – $20,000
Average Surrogacy Program Fee $8,500 (including HST)

Knowing the costs involved helps intended parents plan their surrogacy journey well.

Cost of Surrogacy in Canada for Intended Parents

When you’re looking at how much surrogacy costs in Canada, you need a solid budget. The total expenses can change a lot. This depends on things like the location of the parents and surrogate.

We think having about $80,000 is good for a surrogacy journey in Canada. This covers many costs, including medical needs, legal fees, and the surrogate’s pay. If you already have embryos stored, you might spend around $60,000.

The costs of surrogacy can change for many reasons. This includes where the surrogate lives, the fertility clinic picked, and if you have to try more than once. The needs of the surrogate also play a big part. All these things impact the final cost a lot.

To make sure you’re ready, do your homework on budgeting for Surrogacy Canada. Knowing the possible costs helps you plan better. This way, you can handle the journey with confidence.


Additional Resources:

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost?

Everything You Need To Know (in 2023)

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost Using Family Member

Can My Insurance Provider Pay My Surrogacy Costs?

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in the USA ( 2023)?

Surrogacy Costs Breakdown for Intended Parents


Surrogacy in Canada can be costly, ranging from $60,000 to $100,000 USD. This cost depends on the surrogacy type and other variables. Canada allows surrogacy, but only in non-commercial ways. The law strictly regulates what expenses can be paid.

Thinking about surrogacy means looking at the financial aspects closely. It’s critical for future parents to know the costs and plan their budget precisely. The cost differs depending on where the surrogate and parents live, the fertility clinic chosen, treatments needed, and the surrogate’s expenses.

Despite the cost, surrogacy is an option for families in Canada. With good planning and budgeting, parents can fulfill their wish to have children. This way, many families can grow their families through different paths.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy Consulting services globally, check out the rest of our website at  IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Contact us:

Mobile: +91-8800481100  ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber) 





FAQ for surrogacy cost in Canada

Surrogacy in the PhilippinesSurrogacy in the PhilippinesWhat is the typical cost of surrogacy in Canada?

The cost of surrogacy in Canada can start at $60,000 and go up to $100,000. This cost varies depending on the surrogacy type. Many parents expect to spend between $80,000 and $100,000 for gestational surrogacy.

Is surrogacy legal in Canada?

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Canada, but there are strict rules. The arrangement must be altruistic, meaning the surrogate mothers cannot receive payment. There are guidelines for what expenses can be covered.

What are the major expenses involved in a surrogacy journey in Canada?

The big costs include the IVF cycle, which can be $10,000 to $20,000. Surrogate expenses range from $19,500 to $48,000, covering pre-pregnancy to post-partum. Legal fees are usually $5,000 to $8,000.

Life insurance for the surrogate may cost $200 to $4,000. Agency fees can add another $0 to $8,500 to the bill.

How does the cost of surrogacy in Canada compare to other countries?

Surrogacy in Canada is pricier than in Ukraine. But it’s cheaper than top-tier programs in the United States that can reach over $120,000.

What expenses can a surrogate be reimbursed for in Canada?

Surrogates can get back money for things like maternity clothes, travel, and lost fees. But remember, you can’t pay them a fee. Surrogacy should not be for making money in Canada.

Is medical coverage different for surrogates and babies in Canada?

The care of surrogates is looked after by social security during and after pregnancy. But the baby’s care post-birth is the parents’ duty. This might need private insurance or big money.

What legal fees are involved in a surrogacy arrangement in Canada?

Lawyers for both parents and surrogates typically cost $5,000 to $8,000. There’s also a program fee of around $8,500 including tax. Agency fees can add another $5,000 to $20,000.

How can intended parents budget for a surrogacy journey in Canada?

Expect to spend $80,000 to $100,000 for surrogacy in Canada. If you already have embryos, costs may drop from $60,000 to $80,000. Prices vary based on where you live, your clinic, and the number of tries.

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